Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Our morbid fascination with our Bits and bo(o)bs

Some people in America have a morbid fascination with their boobs and bits. In the event that you don’t know what I’m talking about I’m referring to breasts and genitalia (yeah, the stuff ‘down there’). This morbidity needs to re-adjusted and quickly.

When traveling the beaches of Europe or South America, you’ll notice that the sun swept sands are littered, nay piled high, with the oily glistening taut bare breasts of women of all ages. Skimpy bathing suits are ‘de rigueur’ for both men and women alike, if worn at all. Public breast feeding is normal. It is accepted as part of life.

On the other hand, in the U.S. men wear boxers to the beach; my extra-small Speedo’s are giggled at. Boobs MUST be covered yet people who should never let the sun see a square inch of their bloated bodies insist - and get away - with wearing a thong. Now THAT’S disturbing.

A bare boob on TV is taboo – shocking. Looked upon with horror as if the sight will turn viewers into rabid sex-maniacs. TV Channels get fined for showing one, let alone two. Take for example Janet Jackson’s be-tasseled appendage that was the cause of outrage and the backlash to which cost her a new album. It went unnoticed in Europe, while in American it was if a nuke had gone off in Central Park. That Justin Timberlake forcibly exposed it went – and there’s the real shame - un-commented on.

The mere mention or public sight of genitalia – even when we are children innocently running on beach - is treated as though the devil himself had arrived and announced the end of days. Areas of our bodies, with which we are intimately familiar on a daily basis from birth to death, are treated with puritanical distain.

Breasts are treated as sex objects as opposed to feeding implements for babies. Granted, cleavage is designed by nature to attract men by mimicking the curvature of the female posterior. Hiding them causes male infatuation. Showing them will garner compliments. Truly it will. Really.

On TV boobs and bits on shows are blurred out even when there’s science, childbirth or surgery involved. Or indigenous people running around in their proud nakedness who haven’t seen a need to cover up their bodies since time began.

What gives? What makes the human body so shameful to some of us? Doesn't the shame felt reflect more on the person feeling it rather than on the beauty of the bodies we're given? It’s not like we don’t know what our bits and bobs look like; you’re either a boy or a girl so there are only three accessory options; they’re all the same for the most part.

Let’s start with boobs which while designed to feed babies. How people find the most natural of human actions distasteful is beyond my comprehension. Babies love it.

And of course there are our bits which are used for ridding the body of waste, sexual relief and mating. All 100% natural. It how life thrives and survives.

I’ve got news for you. The bits, while momentarily attractive due to catastrophic hormone releases during arousal, sex, teenage-hood and male life in general, are not all that interesting off hours.

Lighten up, it’s what we’re made of.

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